The 23nd International Water Mist Conference will take place in Antwerp, Belgium on 18th and 19th September 2024. The conference venue will be the Radisson Blu Astrid Hotel in Antwerp.
Day one of the event – which can be booked separately – will mainly focus on water mist systems in action, whereas day two will be dedicated to sciences and research.
The conference and exhibition are a fabulous opportunity to have chats with the experts, to network and make new acquaintances and thus possibly form new business relations.
The organizer of this premier event – the International Water Mist Association (IWMA) – expects well over 100 speakers and delegates from all over the world. In Copenhagen, the experts and those who would like to know more about this fire protection technology can come together and turn this event into another successful step towards a world in which more people, their property and jobs are well protected from fires.
On 1st August, the conference programme will be published.
More information about the conference can be found here: https://iwma.net/iwmc
Pictures by "IWMC last year 2023"
IFAB first held a seminar in January 2023 as part of the VDI Wissensforum "Brandschutz bei Lithium-Ionen-Batterien" (Fire protection for lithium-ion batteries) on the specific hazards arising from fires involving lithium-ion batteries. The seminar will be offered again on several dates under the following link:
The members of the International Water Mist Association (IWMA) have discussed and decided: the 23st International Water Mist Conference will take place in Antwerp, Belgium at the Radisson Blu Astrid Hotel. The date: 18.and 19.September 2024.
The conference website is active and participants can buy their tickets. IWMA is offering an early bird discount.
IFAB carried out further hot smoke tests in the new building of the Goethe School in Wetzlar. The aim this time was also to prove the functionality of the fire alarm system. The verification became necessary because the smoke detectors installed on the raw ceiling were partially covered by a suspended ceiling construction.
IFAB has successfully carried out 1:1 open fire tests with a metro car, which serve as a basis for the validation of numerical simulation methods.
IFAB was responsible for the development and implementation of the measurement concept, which included the determination and recording of all measured variables, calculation of the heat release rates (HRR) using various calculation methods and preparation of the test report.
The International Water Mist Association (IWMA) has announced that the annual IWMC 2021 conference (the 20th International Water Mist Conference) will take place on 27-28 October 2021. This year the conference will be held in Warsaw, Poland, at the "Regent Warsaw Hotel". As in previous years, IFAB is again the conceptual sponsor of the conference.
More information about the conference can be found here and in the conference programme.
As always, the first day will focus on applications and can be booked separately. The second day will mainly deal with the current state of research. In addition to the conference, there will be an exhibition. The Water Mist Conference takes place once a year and is the only event that deals exclusively with the use of water mist.
IFAB was commissioned by the Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) to create a design fire curve for train types H and HK of the Berlin underground. This will serve as the basis for simulating a burning train in future smoke extraction and evacuation simulations for BVG stops. A total of four possible scenarios were calculated as the basis for a design fire curve. The results of the most suitable scenario were used as the new design fire curve.
IFAB provided training for a Swiss client on the following topic: NFPA 130:2020 (Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems).
IFAB has been re-accredited in accordance with revised DIN ISO/IEC 17025:2018-03 for testing the effectiveness of water-based fire suppression systems for rail vehicles, industrial facilities, public places, storage rooms, machinery and plant rooms, tunnel and transport infrastructure facilities, and high-voltage energy storage systems, and for experimental investigations of design fire scenarios using real fire tests: https://www.dakks.de/files/data/as/pdf/D-PL-19994-01-00.pdf.
Hot smoke tests were carried out by IFAB in the new building of the Goethe School in Wetzlar. The aim was to prove the functionality of the fire alarm system. The verification through hot smoke tests had become necessary because the smoke detectors installed on the raw ceiling were partially covered by a suspended ceiling construction.
Registration link soon available.